leet code 16

[Leet code] 1173. Immediate Food Delivery I

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems, https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/임을 밝힙니다. ✔문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/immediate-food-delivery-i/description/ Immediate Food Delivery I - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Immediate Food Delivery I - Level up your coding skills and quickly land a job. This is the best place to expand your knowledge and get prepared for your n..

[Leet code] 1164. Product Price at a Given Date

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems, https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/임을 밝힙니다. ✔ 문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/product-price-at-a-given-date/ Product Price at a Given Date - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Product Price at a Given Date - Table: Products +---------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------+ | product_id | int | | new_pric..

[LeetCode] 1321. Restaurant Growth

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems, https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/임을 밝힙니다. ✔ 문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/restaurant-growth/description/ Restaurant Growth - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Restaurant Growth - Table: Customer +---------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +---------------+---------+ | customer_id | int | | name | varchar | | visited_on |..

[LeetCode] 1045. Customers Who Bought All Products

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems, https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/임을 밝힙니다. ✔문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/customers-who-bought-all-products/ Customers Who Bought All Products - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Customers Who Bought All Products - Table: Customer +-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+---------+ | customer_id | int | | ..

[LeetCode] 608. Tree Node

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems, https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/임을 밝힙니다. ✔ 문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/tree-node/ Tree Node - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Tree Node - Table: Tree +-------------+------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+------+ | id | int | | p_id | int | +-------------+------+ id is the primary key column for this table. Each row ..

[리트코드] 596. Classes More Than 5 Students

📢 본 포스팅에 활용되는 기본 문제 및 자료 출처는 리트코드 Problems / https://leetcode.com/problemset/all/ 임을 밝힙니다. ■ 문제 https://leetcode.com/problems/classes-more-than-5-students/description/ Classes More Than 5 Students - LeetCode Can you solve this real interview question? Classes More Than 5 Students - Table: Courses +-------------+---------+ | Column Name | Type | +-------------+---------+ | student | varchar | | c..